After School Care

24/25 After School Program Interest Form is Now Available!

Interest Form

Preparing the Next Generation

The After School Achievement Academy (AAA) at the Armed Services YMCA San Diego offers school-age care in a safe and reliable learning-focused environment. Our after-school program supports both cognitive development and social-emotional growth with opportunities for enrichment and connection through S.T.E.M. based learning, homework support, daily physical activity, opportunities for creativity, engaging lessons, and a focus on character development through Operation Hero curriculum, and more.

Youth Development Program Overview

The Armed Services YMCA San Diego After School Achievement Academy offers children in grades K-5 a safe and reliable learning-focused environment.

Armed Services YMCA San Diego offers affordable and accessible, quality child care programs for military children. Our trained, dedicated, and caring staff offer children in grades K-5 a safe and reliable learning-focused environment that prepares them for future success by supporting both cognitive development and social-emotional growth with opportunities for enrichment and connection in a safe, clean, and healthy setting.

Junior enlisted families have an overwhelming need for child care. Affordable child care can increase a military family’s financial security and well-being, allowing service members to stay focused on their mission, and providing spouses and partners the opportunity to work and pursue education. With military spouse unemployment rates averaging six times that of the national average, accessible child care is vital to military family readiness and resilience.

Access to affordable, reliable, and high-quality child care opportunities provide families with financial stability and family resilience. For military families in particular, child care is essential to the mission readiness of the service member and to the employment of the military spouse.

Additionally, children enrolled in Achievement Academy receive:

  • STEAM-based (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics) learning activities;
  • Homework support;
  • Daily physical activity and free play;
  • Opportunities for creativity, mindfulness, and critical thinking;
  • Engaging lessons and activities that focus on character developmentresilience, and positivity to build connections and supportive, long-term friendships.

Achievement Academy is available through the following elementary schools in the San Diego area:

  • Hancock
  • Miller
  • Tierrasanta
  • Vista Grande

To reserve placement in our After School Achievement Academy, you will need to complete the steps listed below.

  • If you have not yet registered as a member, create your free ASYMCA membership using the link below. Please be sure to list all household members in your account.
  • Through our membership portal, select the After School Achievement Academy tile from the “Family & Youth Enrichment” section. Add the activity to your cart and continue check-out.

Cost is $39/week per child, with a Sibling Discount of 20% for 2+ kids

Supper is provided. Hours are from School Dismissal to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday. Our calendar aligned with SDUSD, and the program is closed for Thanksgiving, Winter, Spring & Summer Breaks.